Compilation Stages for C Program
Compilation process: Compilation is a process of converting human readable code into machine understandable code Compilation process is divided into 4 stages/parts: Pre-processor stage Translator stage Assembler stage Linker stage 1. Pre-processor stage First stage of compilation process. In this stage we will get pure C file or extended c file from our source file. Pre-processor stage is responsible for: Including header files. Remove comments. Replace macros. Do conditional compilation. 2. Translator stage In this stage the code is converted into assembly language. Translator tasks are: To generate assembly code. Check for any syntactical error. 3. Assembler stage: In this stage the assembly language code is converted into machine understandable code or object code. The content of object file is in binary format, to make this file readable you will have to disassemble it. 4. Linker stage: L...