Compilation Stages for C Program
Compilation process:
Compilation is a process of converting human readable code into machine understandable code
Compilation process is divided into 4
- Pre-processor stage
- Translator stage
- Assembler stage
- Linker stage
1. Pre-processor stage
- First stage of compilation process.
- In this stage we will get pure C file or extended c file from our source file.
Pre-processor stage is responsible for:
- Including header files.
- Remove comments.
- Replace macros.
- Do conditional compilation.
2. Translator stage
- In this stage the code is converted into assembly language.
Translator tasks are:
- To generate assembly code.
- Check for any syntactical error.
3. Assembler stage:
- In this stage the assembly language code is converted into machine understandable code or object code.
- The content of object file is in binary format, to make this file readable you will have to disassemble it.
4. Linker stage:
- Linker stage is the last stage of the compilation process.
- After completion of this stage the exe file is generated.
- Linking the libraries.
- Searching and linking function definitions (pre-defined or user defined).
For example:
Consider, our file name is hello.c
- To compile till preprocessor stage
cc -E hello.c -o hello.i
- To check output of preprocessor stage
vi hello.i
- To compile till translator stage
cc -S hello.i -o hello.s
- To check output of the translator stage
vi hello.s
- To compile till assembler stage
cc -c hello.s -o hello.o
- To check the assembler stage output
vi hello.o
- The output file of assembler stage is in binary non readable to dissemble it
objdump -D hello.o
- To compile till linker stage and generate .exe file at a time
cc hello.c
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